Short stories
by Jack London
The Complete Collection of Classic Tales
- A Classic of the Sea
- A Curious Fragment
- A Daughter Of The Aurora
- A Day’s Lodging
- A Dream Image
- A Flutter In Eggs
- A Hyperborean Brew
- A Klondike Christmas
- A Lesson In Heraldry
- A Northland Miracle
- A Nose For The King
- A Piece Of Steak
- A Raid On The Oyster Pirates
- A Relic Of The Pliocene
- A Thousand Deaths
- A Wicked Woman
- A Wicked Woman
- All Gold Canyon
- Aloha Oe
- Amateur Night
- An Adventure In The Upper Sea
- An Odyssey of the North
- An Old Soldier’s Story
- And ‘FRISCO Kid Came Back
- At The Rainbow’s End
- Bald-Face
- Bâtard
- Brown Wolf
- Bunches Of Knuckles
- By The Turtles Of Tasman
- Charley’s Coup
- Chased By The Trail
- Chris Farrington: Able Seaman
- Chun Ah Chun
- Created He Them
- Demetrios Contos
- Dutch Courage
- Even unto Death
- Finis
- Flush Of Gold
- Four Horses and a Sailor
- “FRISCO Kid’s” Story
- Good-Bye, Jack
- Grit Of Women
- Housekeeping In The Klondike
- In a Far Country
- In The Forests Of The North
- In The Time Of Prince Charley
- In Yeddo Bay
- Jack London By Himself
- Jan, The Unrepentant
- Just Meat
- Keesh, The Son Of Keesh
- Koolau The Leper
- Li Wan, The Fair
- Like Argus Of The Ancient Times
- Local Color
- Lost Face
- Love Of Life
- Mahatma’s Little Joke
- Make Westing
- Mauki
- Moon-Face
- Nam-Bok The Unveracious
- Negore, The Coward
- Night’s Swim In Yeddo Bay
- Nothing That Ever Came To Anything
- O Haru
- Old Baldy
- On The Makaloa Mat
- One More Unfortunate
- Plague Ship
- Planchette
- Pluck And Pertinacity
- Preface
- Proper “GIRLIE”
- Sakaicho, Hona Asi And Hakadaki
- Samuel
- Semper Idem
- Shin-Bones
- Shorty Dreams
- Siwash
- Small-Boat Sailing
- South Of The Slot
- Thanksgiving On Slav Creek
- That Dead Men Rise Up Never
- That Spot
- The “francis spaight”
- The “Fuzziness” of Hoockla-Heen
- The Apostate
- The Banks Of The Sacramento
- The Benefit Of The Doubt
- The Birth Mark
- The Bones Of Kahekili
- The Captain Of The Susan Drew
- The Chinago
- The Death Of Ligoun
- The Devil’s Dice Box
- The Dream Of Debs
- The End Of The Chapter
- The End Of The Story
- The Enemy Of All The World
- The Eternity Of Forms
- The Faith Of Men
- The First Poet
- The God Of His Fathers
- The Great Interrogation
- The Grilling Of Loren Ellery
- The Handsome Cabin Boy
- The Hanging Of Cultus George
- The Heathen
- The Hobo And The Fairy
- The House Of Mapuhi
- The House Of Pride
- The Human Drift
- The Hussy
- The Inevitable White Man
- The Kanaka Surf
- The King of Mazy May
- The King Of The Greeks
- The Law Of Life
- The League Of The Old Men
- The Leopard Man’s Story
- The Little Man
- The Lost Poacher
- The Madness Of John Harned
- The Man On The Other Bank
- The Man With The Gash
- The Marriage Of Lit-Lit
- The Master Of Mystery
- The Meat
- The Men of Forty Mile
- The Mexican
- The Minions Of Midas
- The Mistake Of Creation
- The Night Born (1913)
- The Night-Born
- The One Thousand Dozen
- The Passing Of Marcus O’brien
- The Priestly Prerogative
- The Princess
- The Prodigal Father
- The Race For Number Three
- The Red One
- The Red One (1918)
- The Rejunvenation Of Major Rathbone
- The Scorn Of Women
- The Sea-Farmer
- The Seed Of Mccoy
- The Shadow And The Flash
- The Sheriff Of Kona
- The Sickness Of Lone Chief
- The Siege Of The “Lancashire Queen”
- The Son of the Wolf
- The Stampede To Squaw Creek
- The Story Of Jees Uck
- The Story Of Keesh
- The Strange Experience Of A Misogynist
- The Strength Of The Strong
- The Sun-Dog Trail
- The Sunlanders
- The Taste Of The Meat
- The Tears Of Ah Kim
- The Terrible Solomons
- The Test: A Clondyke Wooing
- The Town-Site Of Tra-Lee
- The Unexpected
- The Unmasking Of The Cad
- The Unparalleled Invasion
- The Water Baby
- The Whale Tooth
- The White Man’s Way
- The White Silence
- The Wife of a King
- The Wisdom of the Trail
- The Wit Of Porportuk
- Their Alcove
- To Build A Fire
- To Kill A Man
- To Repel Boarders
- To the Man on the Trail
- Told In The Drooling Ward
- Too Much Gold
- Trust
- Two Gold Bricks
- Typhoon Off The Coast Of Japan
- Under The Deck Awnings
- Up The Slide
- War
- When Alice Told Her Soul
- When God Laughs (With Compliments To Harry Cowell)
- When The World Was Young
- Where The Trail Forks
- Which Make Men Remember
- White And Yellow
- Who Believes in Ghosts
- Whose Business Is To Live
- Winged Blackmail
- Wonder Of Woman
- “Yah! Yah! Yah!”
- Yellow Handkerchief